The pink flamingos in Sardinia, a familiar presence for the Sardinians

The pink flamingos in Sardinia, a familiar presence for the Sardinians. These wonderful birds can be seen in the ponds of Sardinia: in the pond of Molentargius, in that of Posada, in the lagoon of Santa Gilla, in the pond of Cabras, to Chia and the lagoon of San Teodoro.
We call them “people Arrubia,” red people “but their name comes from the greek phoinikópteros which means” the red feathers “or” purple wing. ” In the Sardinian language flamingos also says “Mangone, Mangoni, mengoni” (log.e camp.), That could result from Margone, malgone “merganser” (waterfowl)
From the Residence Santa Igia have a privileged position of observation of these wonderful and elegant wading …

Vista sulla laguna invernale con fenicotteri
Winter on lagoon